
Boost your business!

We are building innovative solutions for a superior tomorrow and Creating a skillful and competent workforce using which you can actually boost your business.

About Us


Our Mission

Grow90 is a community of professionals, students, and entrepreneurs founded by students of IIT Madras who are committed to fighting the real-life challenges faced by people around the world. we have provided our services to customers whose profile stretches across various domains including startups, MSMEs and industries.

  • We provide pro-bono(free) consulting to MSMEs and startups.
  • We have state of art AI based tech products which can help you in scale out your business horizontally.
  • We also help students grow by providing them free mentorship sessions, courses, projects, recommended internships and jobs.

Grow90 Students

Ready To Discuss About Your Project Idea?

Core Team

“Individuals can and do make a difference, but it takes a team to really mess things up.”



